Project Updates

Construction progress

The Community Center project is being completed in phases, so we encourage residents to check back regularly for updates on the renovations, expansion, and scheduling. Prework for phase one of the Community Center renovation and expansion, which included design development, construction document gathering and bids, has been completed.

As of August 2024, construction for projects in phase one have started.

A phased approach for expansion

To be fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars and keep some amenities open during renovations, construction will occur in phases. Phase one construction began in August 2024 and is expected to be completed by October 2025. Phase one projects include the following:

  • A third sheet of ice (underway)

  • General site improvements

  • Parking lot updates

  • The Lions pavilion and play area

The scope and timeline for future projects are still in discussions. Amenities that are being discussed for possible inclusion in a future phase are:

  • Renovated aquatics area

  • More space for senior programs

  • Expanded event and banquet space

  • Space for the arts

  • A walking track

  • Infrastructure investments including updated roof and mechanical systems

On November 7, 2024, the City of Maple Grove and Life Time announced plans to complete a land exchange agreement that will allow Life Time to build a new, flagship athletic country club in the Minnesota Health Village – located near Maple Grove Hospital, just south of Highway 610 and west of the Home Depot (at the intersection of I-94 and 610). In exchange, the city will take ownership of Life Time’s current 70,000-square-foot building, which adjoins the Maple Grove Community Center.

“We are excited to bring the fullest vision of the Maple Grove Community Center project to life,” said Mayor Mark Steffenson. “This will allow us to complete our vision for the city’s municipal campus, which includes the Community Center, Town Green and the Government Center – along with flexibility for new development that would occur along Main Street.” Read more here.

Stay informed

Stay tuned for quarterly updates provided in the dropdown menu below. The Resources section of this website will be updated with new design concepts and site plans as they are available.

Other ways to keep up to date on this project include:

  • The quarterly Maple Grove City Focus newsletter which includes articles on the Community Center project.

  • Video updates will be available on the Maple Grove page of the CCX Media website in The Connection section.

  • Agendas and minutes for the City Council and Park Board work sessions regarding the project are available on the city website.

Quarterly progress updates

  • On Nov. 7, 2024, the City of Maple Grove and Life Time announced plans to complete a land exchange agreement that will allow Life Time to build a new health club in the Minnesota Health Village. In exchange, the city will take ownership of Life Time's current building, which adjoins the Maple Grove Community Center.

  • Construction on phase one of the Community Center Renovation and Expansion Project started mid-August and is expected to be completed in October 2025. Phase one includes an added third ice sheet, upgraded lobby and locker room space as well as expanded parking to service the new facility.

    Early construction involved demolition of items west of the arena, including the skate park, pavilion, and playground as well as some significant earth moving to enlarge the parking lot. Next contractors installed underground utilities and stormwater chambers and at the same time were installing footings for the building expansion.

    Park Board has directed staff to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best location for a future skate park.

    Over the late fall and early winter contractors will focus on getting the parking lot graded and partially paved by mid-November for the hockey season. The next big milestone is getting the building walls up by late November and enclosed by early spring

    The Community Center remains in operation during the phase one construction.

  • Phase one construction bids and quotes were received on June 27. The bids were reviewed by the City Council at its July 15 meeting. Following a positive review, the project would start immediately.

    The City Council approved the purchase of a portion of the Cub property to expand the Community Center parking lot as part of the project.

    City staff continue to communicate with representatives of Life Time Fitness regarding the future of its facility. Based on those communications, the City Council continues its discussions regarding the acquisition of the Life Time property. At this time, no agreement has been reached and discussions will continue. However, the city is prepared to move forward with the Community Center renovation and expansion project without the Life Time facility.

    The State Legislature was unable to pass a 2024 bonding bill. Unfortunately, this means no additional funding from the state for the Community Center project at this time. The City Council may consider another application in the future. Phase two of the project will be modified in response the reduction in the project funding resources.

  • City staff met with the Maple Grove Lions about the relocation of the playground and pavilion. The Lions have committed funding toward the improvements.

    To allow for the Community Center expansion project, the Maple Grove Farmers Market has been relocated temporarily for the 2024 outdoor season to Church of the Open Door parking lot. The relocation ensures uninterrupted access to fresh produce and local goods for the community.

    The Park Board has directed staff to identify possible options for the skate park relocation.

    Cub is considering the city's proposal to acquire the Cub parcel that would allow for the expansion of Community Center parking.

  • Design work for phase one continues with the city’s architect for the project, JLG Architects, and its construction manager at risk, RJM Construction. It is anticipated the phase one project design will be ready for construction bids in May and construction in late July following Maple Grove Days.

    City staff continue to communicate with representatives of Life Time Fitness regarding the future of its facility. Based on those communications, the City Council continued its discussions regarding the acquisition of the Life Time property. At this time, no agreement has been reached, and discussions will continue. However, the city is prepared to move forward with the Community Center renovation and expansion project without the Life Time facility. The design for the balance of the Community Center project is anticipated at the conclusion of the Life Time negotiations and as final funding is secured.

    The city continues to seek additional funding from the state to support the full project vision. The decision on the requested $16.5 from the 2024 state legislature is anticipated in May near the end of the session.

  • The ice area improvements are considered phase one of the overall project. Design work is underway with the city’s architect, JLG Architects, and its construction manager, RJM Construction.

    The design team continues working on the mechanical, HVAC, and electrical systems as well as furthering the site and parking lot design and architectural look. It is anticipated the phase one project design will be ready for construction bids in May and construction in late July following Maple Grove Days.

    City staff continue to communicate with representatives of Life Time Fitness regarding the future of its facility.

    Funds collected from the local sales tax as well as contributions from athletic associations and sponsorships will finance the design and construction of the third sheet of ice. The city continues to seek additional funding from the state to support the full project vision.

    The design for the balance of the Community Center project is anticipated at the conclusion of the Life Time negotiations and as final funding is secured.

  • In mid-October, the City Council approved schematic design and directed staff to proceed with the design development phase.

    At the December 4 joint City Council/Park Board work session, JLG Architects shared updates on the Community Center project.

    As the design phase advances this winter, the architect will detail the specifics and construction methods. Also, decisions will be made on the final building look. Those concepts will be incorporated into future improvements as the project phases proceed to the main building.

    The city continues to seek additional funding from the state. A request of $16.5 million for future phase construction has been submitted for consideration during the 2024 legislative session. A decision is anticipated in May 2024 near the end of the session.

  • The city continues negotiations with Life Time to purchase their facility but is prepared to move forward with the Community Center investment plan without the Life Time facility that adjoins the center.

    Staff continue discussions with the school district, hockey booster club, and youth hockey association on their funding contribution for the renovation of locker rooms and the third sheet of ice.

    The design for the balance of the Community Center project is anticipated for late fall.

  • The Minnesota Legislature approved omnibus bonding bill that awarded $6 million of a $22.5 million state bonding request. These funds are directed for project design and cannot be used for construction.

    Design work for the third sheet of ice is underway with the architect for the project, JLG Architects, and the construction manager at risk, RJM Construction. View draft design concepts and site plans on the Resources page of this website.

    The Maple Grove City Council and Park Board directed staff to proceed with three strategies:

    1. Phase the construction project starting with the ice arena as phase one.

    2. Create a unique parcel for the arena to avoid state funding restrictions around sponsorships and advertisements.

    3. Pursue 2024 state bonding funds to fill the $16.5 million budgetary gap in construction funding.

    Discussions continued with Life Time on the acquisition of their facility and property for inclusion in the renovation and expansion project.

  • The half-percent (0.5%) sales tax in Maple Grove went into effect on April 1, 2023.

    The City Council approved a contract with JLG Architects for architectural and engineering services. RJM was selected as the construction management service for the project.

    City staff developed a project design governance model that includes city leadership and staff as well as external input as follows:

    • Staff project team: Parks and recreation director and community center manager.

    • Owner’s team: Members include leadership from the City Council, Park Board, and key city staff members.

    • Community Center working group: This group was established in early 2022 with various citizens brought together to provide input and share community feedback on the project.

  • The Maple Grove City Council adopted an ordinance imposing the half-percent (0.5%) local sales tax in December 2022 and notified the Minnesota Department of Revenue.

    In January 2023, the Department of Revenue published the notice that the local half-percent (0.5%) sales tax for Maple Grove would go into effect on April 1, 2023.

    The city moved forward with design work.

Curious about the needs, community engagement, and plan behind the Maple Grove Community Center renovations and expansion?